Agency Owner
Business Owner
Agency Owner
Media Buyer & Agency Owner
Business Owner
Private Business Owner
• Rapidly scale winning ads without the CPA skyrocketing.
• Troubleshoot common issues like new ads not spending.
• Create custom audiences and set up your first retargeting campaign.
• Set the optimal daily budgets out of the gate based on your KPIs.
• Find the most viral videos that your target customer already loves (and use them to make insanely high converting ads).
• Know which trends, sounds, and effects to use in your creative right now for maximum performance.
• Track all of your creative and competitor research using our custom-built Google Sheet template.
• Determine how long to run an ad or ad group before killing it.
• Navigate the frequent ad rejections killing your momentum.
• Know which trends, sounds, and effects to use in your creative right now for maximum performance.
• Create insightful reporting dashboards using our custom-built Data Studios template.
• Create ads that feel incredibly native even if you have no creative team or video editing experience.
• Stay on top of the newest algorithm and ad platform developments so you are always ahead of the competition.
• Make TikTok ads the biggest, most profitable ad channel for your business so your future is no longer in the hands of Facebook.
• Add TikTok ads as a new service for your agency to dramatically increase your revenue almost overnight.
• Rapidly scale winning ads without the CPA skyrocketing.
• Troubleshoot common issues like new ads not spending.
• Create custom audiences and set up your first retargeting campaign.
• Set the optimal daily budgets out of the gate based on your KPIs.
• Find the most viral videos that your target customer already loves (and use them to make insanely high converting ads).
• Know which trends, sounds, and effects to use in your creative right now for maximum performance.
• Track all of your creative and competitor research using our custom-built Google Sheet template.
• Determine how long to run an ad or ad group before killing it.
• Navigate the frequent ad rejections killing your momentum.
• Know which trends, sounds, and effects to use in your creative right now for maximum performance.
• Create insightful reporting dashboards using our custom-built Data Studios template.
• Create ads that feel incredibly native even if you have no creative team or video editing experience.
• Stay on top of the newest algorithm and ad platform developments so you are always ahead of the competition.
• Make TT ads the biggest, most profitable ad channel for your business so your future is no longer in the hands of Facebook.
• Add TT ads as a new service for your agency to dramatically increase your revenue almost overnight.
Created By One Of The First Advertisers On The App
Created By One Of The First Advertisers On The App
Unicorn Innovations is not a part of, TikTok Inc. or ByteDance, Inc. Additionally, Unicorn Innovations is not endorsed by TikTok, TikTok Inc. or ByteDance, Inc. in any way. TikTok is a registered trademark of ByteDance, Inc.
Disclaimer: Sales figures and campaign results listed above or in my marketing materials are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting, and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors.
Made In Sunny Florida @ Unicorn Innovations