TikTok Ad pioneer makes crazy decision…

Why is one of the most in demand TikTok ad experts in the world pulling back the curtain and sharing his exact process for making money with TikTok?

Dear Marketer,

If you want to get rid of Facebook’s control over your future

And create a customer acquisition machine that floods your business with high-quality leads and customers day after day.

Without having to waste hundreds of hours

And thousands, tens of thousands, or even more dollars trying to figure it out yourself.

Then this 100% will be the most important and valuable document you’ve ever read!

Let me explain...

My name is Max Finn and on March 5th, 2022 I got some horrible news, which changed everything for me.

I got into the office and opened my Facebook ad account, but instead of seeing any of our accounts I just saw a message saying my account was permanently disabled.

I was confused, panicked, and angry all at the same time.

I knew for a fact I hadn’t broken any rules...

But as many marketers unfortunately know that doesn’t matter at all.

The worst part is Facebook gave me 0 reasons, and wouldn't even let me appeal my ban after I’d spent over $50M+ on Facebook ads over 10 years. 

So there I was alone in my office permanently banned from advertising on the platform I had built my entire career and identity around for the previous decade.

Presenting Facebook Ads Strategy At Affiliate World Summit 2018

I didn’t know what I was going to do.

Enter TikTok!

You see, back in 2020 the team at TikTok reached out to me to ask if they could show me a demo of their self-serve ad platform.

I’m gonna be honest with you. I was not impressed and also had never used the TikTok app, so I didn’t get what all the hype was about.

But the growth numbers they shared impressed me enough to throw some money at a test.

I launched our first-ever TikTok ad campaign on October 28th, 2020 for Goli, and let’s just say the results were not ideal.

The ads bombed for 2 reasons:

The ad platform was just not ready for primetime feature wise and didn’t have what Facebook had, which was years and hundreds of billions of dollars worth of data.

I simply had no clue what I was doing. I didn’t understand TikTok at all from a user perspective and was starting 100% from scratch when it came to launching, testing and scaling ads.

In hindsight, I should have expected point 2.

This is something that took me years and millions of dollars of spend to truly figure out at an expert level on Facebook.

Why would I expect it to be any different for a brand-new platform like TikTok?

So I did the same thing I did when I started running Facebook ads back in the early 2010s.

I became obsessed with cracking the code and invested a massive amount of time and money into turning TikTok ads into a customer acquisition machine.

But unfortunately, this obsession didn’t last long because the platform just wasn’t ready for primetime and Facebook was so much easier for me to run and get results.

Flash forward 17 months to the day Facebook banned me and I decided to give TikTok 1 more shot.

So I launched ads for our top offer, Alpha Brain from Onnit, and it worked!

I was getting $60-$80 CPAs on an offer that was paying us over $100 per sale.

We went on to spend over $1.2M just on Alpha Brain.

This was the signal I needed and I went all in on TikTok.

So many people thought I was crazy at the time for even taking TikTok seriously.

But I didn’t care because I knew I was on to something massive just like I did when I started running Facebook ads before they had even launched their pixel!

And I was right!

Since then I have used my TikTok Ad Blueprint system to help…

  • ClickFunnels generate 44,341 new leads at an average CPL of $11.31.

  • Sell $2,105,000 of solar panels from just $206,610 of ad spend for Shine Solar.

  • Launch a brand new $997 crypto course for FinMC and do $64,030 in day 1 revenue (the backend was in the 6 figures of pure profit) during the first month from $31,112 in spend.

  • Supercharge the growth of a dental implant business by driving $6,177,458 in sales.

  • Rapidly and profitably scale a startup monthly hat subscription company from $80k to $400K MRR with sub $10 CPAs

And these are just a few examples.

The reality is the blueprint has helped hundreds of businesses in just about

every industry you can imagine crack the TikTok code:

  • Ecommerce

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Agencies

  • Coaching/Consulting

  • High Ticket

  • Digital/Info Products

  • SAAS

  • Mobile Apps

  • Service

  • Brick and Mortar

  • Live Events

  • And More...

Simply put, following this blueprint is THE #1 WAY to unlock the massive potential of TikTok. 

And flood your business with a steady stream of new highly quality leads and customers day after day.

The best part is you get to press the Easy Button and skip all the pain I went through to create this blueprint. 

You know how they say “No pain, no gain”?

Well, 99% of the time this saying is true, but today you actually do get all of the gain with none of the pain.

At this point you might be thinking 1 of 2 things:

  1. If you have cracked the code on running profitable TikTok ads, why on earth would you give away the blueprint showing exactly how you launch, test, optimize, and scale ads?

  1. I don’t sell a $20 viral gadget and TikTok is just a bunch of young kids with no money dancing. AKA my customer is not on TikTok.

I am going to circle back to point number 1 in just a bit, but let’s start with point 2 and bust some myths!

"TikTok is just a bunch of teens who have no money and spend all day posting dance videos."


Let me hit you with some fast facts:

  • TikTok now has over 1.5 billion monthly active users with over 150 million in the US.

  • There are 57M targetable users over the age of 35 in the US right now in Ads Manager.

  • There are 14.5M targetable users over the age of 55 in the US right now in Ads Manager.

  • 11% of US households have made a purchase on TikTok Shop.


Your customer is on TikTok.

The good news is that if you are thinking this way then your competition likely is as well.

Just like everyone was back in the early days of Facebook ads (I heard it all the time).

And we all know how that turned out for the businesses who were early vs. late to Facebook ads.

So, now is your chance to be first, crack the code and build a massive competitive moat that your competitors won’t be able to cross once they figure out what you are figuring out today.

Oh and in case you still think your customer isn’t on TikTok, here is the inside of an ad account (following our blueprint) for a client of ours that sells 4-5 figure industrial equipment. 

Yes that’s a 4x+ ROAS on a brand new ad account for a business selling one of the most boring and expensive products you possibly can to an audience of middle-aged men.

Listen I know I am starting to sound like a broken record, but… 

Your customer is on TikTok. 

And following our blueprint is the absolute #1 way to profitably acquire dozens, hundreds and even thousands of them a day.

At this point, you may be wondering why the hell I would be giving my proprietary TikTok advertising system away.

Why would I give away something that took me over 3 years and $15M to fully develop?

(A system that up until now has only been accessible to businesses who invested $15k to join my coaching program or $60k+ to hire my agency.)

I am going to be brutally honest with you…

It’s actually in my financial best interest!

You see 1 of 3 things is going to happen after you grab your copy of the blueprint today:

  1. Let’s start with the bad outcome, which is unfortunately way too common these days. You get access to the blueprint today and either go through it and fail to actually take action implementing it or you just let it sit in your inbox graveyard collecting virtual dust. In this scenario, you continue getting the same mediocre (at best) results you’ve been getting and nothing changes. I am hopeful you are part of the small percentage of marketers who actually take action and that this won’t be you!

  2. You get your copy of the blueprint, take action, and are blown away with the results. Your friends ask you why you’re now in such a good mood all the time and how your business is getting so many customers. You tell them it’s because of TikTok and the system those guys over at Unicorn Innovations gave me. Your friends want to be like you and in turn become a customer of ours.

  3. My fingers are cramping from typing so everything I said for #2 except now you are curious how much more money you could be making if you worked directly with Unicorn. So you decide you want to join one of our coaching programs, hire us as consultants, or even possibly qualify to work with our agency directly. Either way we both make a lot more money together!

“So just what is on this blueprint you keep going on and on about and how is it going to help me?”

I’m so glad you asked!

If you want to turn TikTok ads into a cash cow you need to know exactly how to set up/warm up your account, test creatives, and scale winners. 

And it’s your lucky day because that is exactly what this blueprint shows you how to do.

To be more specific here is everything the blueprint will teach you:

  • Discover the 8 campaigns every TikTok ad account should run to unlock the full potential of the platform and get a ROAS your competition won’t believe.

  • Get a step-by-step timeline for when each campaign should be launched, paused, and scaled.

  • Build up a massive pool of red-hot prospects who have already raised their hands to tell you they need your product with our innovative reverse targeting strategy.

  • Copy and paste the most profitable setup for all 8 campaigns so you are starting each with the right budget, bids, number of ads, number of audiences, type of audiences, etc.

  • Steal our exact creative testing machine that will fuel your account with the most critical ingredient needed for scaling in 2024.

  • Stop your account from bleeding profits with our easy-to-follow ad kill rules.

  • Scale to the moon (do people still say that?) with 3 different strategies based on budget, risk tolerance, and number of winning ad creatives.

This sounds incredible and all your persuasive sales copy has got me 90% sold, but I am not 100%.

No problem… let’s get you to 100% right now!

What if I told you that not only am I going to send you my step-by-step battle-tested blueprint for running profitable TikTok ads in any industry selling any type of product at any price point….

I also convinced my friends at TikTok to give you $2,400 in ad credits after spending just $1,200 on ads?!

They have literally never offered this crazy of an ad credit deal before and this is 100% exclusive to us because of our deep relationship with the TikTok team (checkout the details in the footer).

Did you think this was the only bonus I had up my sleeve?

Not a chance!

My team thought the ad credit bonus alone was good enough, but I don’t just want “good enough”... I want the “most insane no-brainer value-packed offer of 2024”.

So I had them come up with 9 other bonuses valued at $381.91:

  • Bonus 1: 900 Viral Intro Hooks ($69.99 Value)

  • Bonus 2: 800 Winning Ad Breakdowns ($69.99 Value)

  • Bonus 3: Video Stitch Reply Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($29.99 Value)

  • Bonus 4: Story Framing Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

  • Bonus 5: Comment Baiting Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($59.99 Value)

  • Bonus 6: Intro-Motions Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($49.99 Value)

  • Bonus 7: Body Language Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

  • Bonus 8: Business Examples Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($49.99 Value)

  • Bonus 9: Place & Setting Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

Still not at 100%?

You are tough, but I am persistent!

How does a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee sound?

If you implement the blueprint and despite following it step-by-step don’t achieve a positive ROAS within your first 30 days of launching we will refund you in full.

And best of all you get to keep the ad credits and all the bonuses.

So now that you are at 100%, click that big button below to get what took me over $15M and almost 4 years to finally create…the blueprint to unleash the insane true power of TikTok ads for any business.

P.S. I have a spot ready for you in my success story folder, so when your ads take off be sure to let us know!

TikTok Ad pioneer makes crazy decision…

Why is one of the most in demand TikTok ad experts in the world pulling back the curtain and sharing his exact process for making money with TikTok?

Dear Marketer,

If you want to get rid of Facebook’s control over your future

And create a customer acquisition machine that floods your business with high-quality leads and customers day after day.

Without having to waste hundreds of hours

And thousands, tens of thousands, or even more dollars trying to figure it out yourself.

Then this 100% will be the most important and valuable document you’ve ever read!

Let me explain...

My name is Max Finn and on March 5th, 2022 I got some horrible news, which changed everything for me.

I got into the office and opened my Facebook ad account, but instead of seeing any of our accounts I just saw a message saying my account was permanently disabled.

I was confused, panicked, and angry all at the same time.

I knew for a fact I hadn’t broken any rules...

But as many marketers unfortunately know that doesn’t matter at all.

The worst part is Facebook gave me 0 reasons, and wouldn't even let me appeal my ban after I’d spent over $50M+ on Facebook ads over 10 years. 

So there I was alone in my office permanently banned from advertising on the platform I had built my entire career and identity around for the previous decade.

Presenting Facebook Ads Strategy At Affiliate World Summit 2018

I didn’t know what I was going to do.

Enter TikTok!

You see, back in 2020 the team at TikTok reached out to me to ask if they could show me a demo of their self-serve ad platform.

I’m gonna be honest with you. I was not impressed and also had never used the TikTok app, so I didn’t get what all the hype was about.

But the growth numbers they shared impressed me enough to throw some money at a test.

I launched our first-ever TikTok ad campaign on October 28th, 2020 for Goli, and let’s just say the results were not ideal.

The ads bombed for 2 reasons:

The ad platform was just not ready for primetime feature wise and didn’t have what Facebook had, which was years and hundreds of billions of dollars worth of data.

I simply had no clue what I was doing. I didn’t understand TikTok at all from a user perspective and was starting 100% from scratch when it came to launching, testing and scaling ads.

In hindsight, I should have expected point 2.

This is something that took me years and millions of dollars of spend to truly figure out at an expert level on Facebook.

Why would I expect it to be any different for a brand-new platform like TikTok?

So I did the same thing I did when I started running Facebook ads back in the early 2010s.

I became obsessed with cracking the code and invested a massive amount of time and money into turning TikTok ads into a customer acquisition machine.

But unfortunately, this obsession didn’t last long because the platform just wasn’t ready for primetime and Facebook was so much easier for me to run and get results.

Flash forward 17 months to the day Facebook banned me and I decided to give TikTok 1 more shot.

So I launched ads for our top offer, Alpha Brain from Onnit, and it worked!

I was getting $60-$80 CPAs on an offer that was paying us over $100 per sale.

We went on to spend over $1.2M just on Alpha Brain.

This was the signal I needed and I went all in on TikTok.

So many people thought I was crazy at the time for even taking TikTok seriously.

But I didn’t care because I knew I was on to something massive just like I did when I started running Facebook ads before they had even launched their pixel!

And I was right!

Since then I have used my TikTok Ad Blueprint system to help…

  • ClickFunnels generate 44,341 new leads at an average CPL of $11.31.

  • Sell $2,105,000 of solar panels from just $206,610 of ad spend for Shine Solar.

  • Launch a brand new $997 crypto course for FinMC and do $64,030 in day 1 revenue (the backend was in the 6 figures of pure profit) during the first month from $31,112 in spend.

  • Supercharge the growth of a dental implant business by driving $6,177,458 in sales.

  • Rapidly and profitably scale a startup monthly hat subscription company from $80k to $400K MRR with sub $10 CPAs

And these are just a few examples.

The reality is the blueprint has helped hundreds of businesses in just about

every industry you can imagine crack the TikTok code:

  • Ecommerce

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Agencies

  • Coaching/Consulting

  • High Ticket

  • Digital/Info Products

  • SAAS

  • Mobile Apps

  • Service

  • Brick and Mortar

  • Live Events

  • And More...

Simply put, following this blueprint is THE #1 WAY to unlock the massive potential of TikTok. 

And flood your business with a steady stream of new highly quality leads and customers day after day.

The best part is you get to press the Easy Button and skip all the pain I went through to create this blueprint. 

You know how they say “No pain, no gain”?

Well, 99% of the time this saying is true, but today you actually do get all of the gain with none of the pain.

At this point you might be thinking 1 of 2 things:

  1. If you have cracked the code on running profitable TikTok ads, why on earth would you give away the blueprint showing exactly how you launch, test, optimize, and scale ads?

  1. I don’t sell a $20 viral gadget and TikTok is just a bunch of young kids with no money dancing. AKA my customer is not on TikTok.

I am going to circle back to point number 1 in just a bit, but let’s start with point 2 and bust some myths!

"TikTok is just a bunch of teens who have no money and spend all day posting dance videos."


Let me hit you with some fast facts:

  • TikTok now has over 1.5 billion monthly active users with over 150 million in the US.

  • There are 57M targetable users over the age of 35 in the US right now in Ads Manager.

  • There are 14.5M targetable users over the age of 55 in the US right now in Ads Manager.

  • 11% of US households have made a purchase on TikTok Shop.


Your customer is on TikTok.

The good news is that if you are thinking this way then your competition likely is as well.

Just like everyone was back in the early days of Facebook ads (I heard it all the time).

And we all know how that turned out for the businesses who were early vs. late to Facebook ads.

So, now is your chance to be first, crack the code and build a massive competitive moat that your competitors won’t be able to cross once they figure out what you are figuring out today.

Oh and in case you still think your customer isn’t on TikTok, here is the inside of an ad account (following our blueprint) for a client of ours that sells 4-5 figure industrial equipment. 

Yes that’s a 4x+ ROAS on a brand new ad account for a business selling one of the most boring and expensive products you possibly can to an audience of middle-aged men.

Listen I know I am starting to sound like a broken record, but… 

Your customer is on TikTok. 

And following our blueprint is the absolute #1 way to profitably acquire dozens, hundreds and even thousands of them a day.

At this point, you may be wondering why the hell I would be giving my proprietary TikTok advertising system away.

Why would I give away something that took me over 3 years and $15M to fully develop?

(A system that up until now has only been accessible to businesses who invested $15k to join my coaching program or $60k+ to hire my agency.)

I am going to be brutally honest with you…

It’s actually in my financial best interest!

You see 1 of 3 things is going to happen after you grab your copy of the blueprint today:

  1. Let’s start with the bad outcome, which is unfortunately way too common these days. You get access to the blueprint today and either go through it and fail to actually take action implementing it or you just let it sit in your inbox graveyard collecting virtual dust. In this scenario, you continue getting the same mediocre (at best) results you’ve been getting and nothing changes. I am hopeful you are part of the small percentage of marketers who actually take action and that this won’t be you!

  2. You get your copy of the blueprint, take action, and are blown away with the results. Your friends ask you why you’re now in such a good mood all the time and how your business is getting so many customers. You tell them it’s because of TikTok and the system those guys over at Unicorn Innovations gave me. Your friends want to be like you and in turn become a customer of ours.

  3. My fingers are cramping from typing so everything I said for #2 except now you are curious how much more money you could be making if you worked directly with Unicorn. So you decide you want to join one of our coaching programs, hire us as consultants, or even possibly qualify to work with our agency directly. Either way we both make a lot more money together!

“So just what is on this blueprint you keep going on and on about and how is it going to help me?”

I’m so glad you asked!

If you want to turn TikTok ads into a cash cow you need to know exactly how to set up/warm up your account, test creatives, and scale winners. 

And it’s your lucky day because that is exactly what this blueprint shows you how to do.

To be more specific here is everything the blueprint will teach you:

  • Discover the 8 campaigns every TikTok ad account should run to unlock the full potential of the platform and get a ROAS your competition won’t believe.

  • Get a step-by-step timeline for when each campaign should be launched, paused, and scaled.

  • Build up a massive pool of red-hot prospects who have already raised their hands to tell you they need your product with our innovative reverse targeting strategy.

  • Copy and paste the most profitable setup for all 8 campaigns so you are starting each with the right budget, bids, number of ads, number of audiences, type of audiences, etc.

  • Steal our exact creative testing machine that will fuel your account with the most critical ingredient needed for scaling in 2024.

  • Stop your account from bleeding profits with our easy-to-follow ad kill rules.

  • Scale to the moon (do people still say that?) with 3 different strategies based on budget, risk tolerance, and number of winning ad creatives.

This sounds incredible and all your persuasive sales copy has got me 90% sold, but I am not 100%.

No problem… let’s get you to 100% right now!

What if I told you that not only am I going to send you my step-by-step battle-tested blueprint for running profitable TikTok ads in any industry selling any type of product at any price point….

I also convinced my friends at TikTok to give you $2,400 in ad credits after spending just $1,200 on ads?!

They have literally never offered this crazy of an ad credit deal before and this is 100% exclusive to us because of our deep relationship with the TikTok team (checkout the details in the footer).

Did you think this was the only bonus I had up my sleeve?

Not a chance!

My team thought the ad credit bonus alone was good enough, but I don’t just want “good enough”... I want the “most insane no-brainer value-packed offer of 2024”.

So I had them come up with 9 other bonuses valued at $381.91:

  • Bonus 1: 900 Viral Intro Hooks ($69.99 Value)

  • Bonus 2: 800 Winning Ad Breakdowns ($69.99 Value)

  • Bonus 3: Video Stitch Reply Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($29.99 Value)

  • Bonus 4: Story Framing Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

  • Bonus 5: Comment Baiting Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($59.99 Value)

  • Bonus 6: Intro-Motions Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($49.99 Value)

  • Bonus 7: Body Language Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

  • Bonus 8: Business Examples Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($49.99 Value)

  • Bonus 9: Place & Setting Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

Still not at 100%?

You are tough, but I am persistent!

How does a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee sound?

If you implement the blueprint and despite following it step-by-step don’t achieve a positive ROAS within your first 30 days of launching we will refund you in full.

And best of all you get to keep the ad credits and all the bonuses.

So now that you are at 100%, click that big button below to get what took me over $15M and almost 4 years to finally create…the blueprint to unleash the insane true power of TikTok ads for any business.

P.S. I have a spot ready for you in my success story folder, so when your ads take off be sure to let us know!

Your All-Access Pass to the  

TikTok Ads Blueprint


The TikTok Ads Blueprint: 8 comprehensive steps to launch, test & scale your new ad campaigns on TikTok ($297 Value).

Launch Phase S01: Video View Campaigns - How to warm up your ad account, set up your ad campaigns & start top-of-funnel audience building for retargeting with conversion campaigns.

Launch Phase S02: Community Interaction Campaigns - How to build social proof by gaining followers with TikTok spark ads, how to set them up and link a TikTok profile to run them & how to select the RIGHT audience interests and ad group demographics for YOUR core audience.

 ​Launch Phase S03: Customer Acquisition Campaigns - How to set up your first conversion campaign & how to configure your ads, budgets, and ad groups.

 ​Launch Phase S04: Retargeting Campaigns - Get clarity on how to set up your retargeting campaigns & utilize custom audiences for more effective retargeting.

 ​Testing Phase S05: Primary Purchase Conversion Campaigns - Discover how to launch your Primary Purchase Conversion Campaign with updated targeting and budgets & what optimization event you should be utilizing for YOUR unique offer.

 ​Testing Phase S06: Creative Testing Campaigns - How to leverage your winning audiences for rapid creative testing and optimization.

 ​Testing Phase S07: Audience Testing - How to identify your top-performing ad and audience combinations, using a controlled approach to isolate variables.

 ​Scaling Phase S08: Cost Cap Scaling Campaigns - How to leverage your winning audiences and creatives for increased budget and conversions - AKA SCALE YOUR ADS.

Bonus 1: Up To $2,400 In TikTok Ads Credits ($2,400 Value)

Bonus 2: 900 Viral Intro Hooks ($69.99 Value)

Bonus 3: 800 Winning Ad Breakdowns ($69.99 Value)

Bonus 4: Video Stitch Reply Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($29.99 Value)

Bonus 5: Story Framing Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

Bonus 6: Comment Baiting Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($59.99 Value)

Bonus 7: Intro-Motions Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($49.99 Value)

Bonus 8: Body Language Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

Bonus 9: Business Examples Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($49.99 Value)

Bonus 10: Place & Setting Inspiration Cheat Sheet ($19.99 Value)

 ​Personal Guarantee: Launch More Profitable TikTok Ads Within 30 days or your money back


$3016 VALUE

WAS $297


After payment, you will get access immediately.


Brands That Are Following The Blueprint:


Private High Ticket Business


Owner & Founder of Southern String Hats


Agency Owner


Affiliate Marketer


Agency Owner


Media Buyer & Agency Owner




Business Owner


Private Business Owner

Just a few of the brands we've helped grow on TikTok


Brands That Are Following The Blueprint


Private High Ticket Business


Owner & Founder of Souther String Hats


Affiliate Marketer


Agency Owner




Business Owner


Media Buyer & Agency Owner


Agency Owner


Private Business Owner

Just a few of the brands we've helped grow on TikTok

Automatic Slick Carousel Draggable Images

Here's A Sneak Peak 👀

Of Everything You'll Receive When You Purchase The TikTok Ads Blueprint Today...

The TikTok Ads Blueprint

Get the exact blueprint we use to scale 7 & 8 figure brands on TikTok.

- Full Campaign Breakdowns:

Get clarity on exactly what all of the different campaign types, and how to use them to your advantage.

- Initial launch Phase:

Setting up and running four key campaigns within the first week to lay a foundation for future optimization and scaling.

- Testing and Optimization phase:

How to Iterate and identifying high-performing ads to maintain momentum and improve ad performance.

- The Scaling Phase:

Capitalize on successful campaigns to maximize reach and profitability. Including ad kill rules for budget management, various scaling strategies like Smart performance campaigns, conservative budget increases, and cost cap campaigns with manual bidding.

Bonus 1: Up To $2,400 In TikTok Ads Credits ($2,400 Value)


Purchasing the TikTok Ads Accelerator also grants you access to a limited time TikTok coupon exclusive to Unicorn Innovations LLC:

- Spend $300, Get $600

- Spend $600, Get $1,200

- Spend $1,200, Get $2,400

- Please scroll down to the Terms and Conditions for the TikTok Ad Credit Coupon to confirm you're eligible.

Bonus 2: 900 Viral Intro Hooks

($69.99 Value)

We've spent millions this year testing thousands of hooks for some of the biggest brands in the world to find 900 winners you can copy & paste. We guarantee your videos will get more views & ads will make more money with them.

Bonus 3: 800 Winning Ad Breakdowns

($69.99 Value)

Don't waste another second analyzing which ads perform and why! Check out these 800 high-level breakdowns of the top performing ads and learn exactly what makes them perform - and how you can implement these same concepts into your own ad creative.

Bonus 4: Video Stitch Reply Inspiration Cheat Sheet

($29.99 Value)

Video Stitch Reply Cheat Sheet: Master the art of engagement with our guide on using TikTok's video stitch reply feature. Learn from successful examples and make your ads interactive and unforgettable.

Bonus 5: Story Framing Inspiration Cheat Sheet

($19.99 Value)

Stand out with storytelling! This resource offers creative perspectives to make your content more intriguing and engaging. Discover the secret to captivating your audience with every video.

Bonus 6: Comment Baiting Inspiration Cheat Sheet

($59.99 Value)

Spark conversations and to help you go viral! Our cheat sheet provides examples of videos that drive massive engagement through strategic comment baiting. Get viewers talking about your brand.

Bonus 7: Intro-Motions Inspiration Cheat Sheet

($49.99 Value)

First impressions matter! Learn from a selection of successful visual introductions to grab attention instantly. Make your ads visually irresistible.

Bonus 8: Body Language Inspiration Cheat Sheet

($19.99 Value)

Communicate beyond words! Discover how top creators use body language to enhance their messages and make their content more compelling and relatable.

Bonus 9: Business Examples Inspiration Cheat Sheet

($49.99 Value)

Learn from over 300 successful businesses on TikTok. This resource provides a goldmine of inspiration, helping you emulate and adapt strategies that work.

Bonus 10: Place & Setting Inspiration Cheat Sheet

($19.99 Value)

Location, location, location! Find out where to film your ads for maximum impact. This cheat sheet helps you choose settings that establish authority and captivate viewers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get my money back if I don't like this Blueprint?

If you can demonstrate that you applied the concepts learned in the TikTok Ads Blueprint and were unable to generate a positive return on ad spend (ROAS) on your TikTok ads within 30 days of your purchase, we will issue a refund. Additionally, you get to keep lifetime access to the Blueprint and supporting material as our gesture of goodwill.

Is the TikTok Ads Blueprint suitable for beginners in TikTok advertising?

Yes, the TikTok Ads Blueprint is a great place to start as it provides a comprehensive overview of a proven TikTok marketing strategy. It covers fundamental campaign structure to help beginners understand how to implement this effective advertising strategy on TikTok.

How fast will I see results from the TikTok Ads Blueprint?

If you implement it immediately, you'll see results within the first 2-3 days. Each step of the TikTok Blueprint has different objectives and brings new results. But, like anything, you'll need to fully commit to learning and implementing the system.

How long is the TikTok Ads Blueprint training?

When you purchase the TikTok Ads Blueprint supporting course, you will get over 2 hours of in-depth training on our eight-step proprietary TikTok marketing strategy.

When do I receive the program with the bonuses?

You will receive everything right away via email.

Who is the TikTok Ads Blueprint for?

The TikTok Ads Blueprint is designed for Businesses, Brand Owners, Media Buyers, and Agencies who want to leverage the world's fastest-growing social app. It's perfect for action-takers who want to gain a competitive edge through TikTok advertising.

Is this an ongoing membership or a one-time purchase?

Your one-time purchase gives you lifetime access to the Blueprint and supporting content.

Unicorn Innovations is not a part of TikTok.com, TikTok Inc. or ByteDance, Inc. Additionally, Unicorn Innovations is not endorsed by TikTok, TikTok Inc. or ByteDance, Inc. in any way. TikTok is a registered trademark of ByteDance, Inc.​

Disclaimer: Sales figures and campaign results listed above or in my marketing materials are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting, and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors.

*Terms and Conditions for TikTok Ad Credit Coupon:

This offer can only be redeemed once per new advertiser. Newly registered advertisers are eligible for the offer if they fulfill the following criteria:

  • The registered advertisers have a self-serve SMB account

    • The new advertising account is not an Agency/Business Center created account or a TikTok Shop account

    • Shopify merchants who don't have the TikTok Shopify Channel App installed are eligible for the offer.

    • Advertisers are only eligible for one credit offer at a time.

    • Multiple advertising accounts under one TikTok For Business account, or a TikTok For Business account with an existing active advertising account are not eligible for this offer.

    • Based on your advertising spend, only one of the offer tiers will be applied to your account and you can not use the free credits to avail the next tier.

      The ad credits will be added to your TikTok Ads Manager account within 7 days after the spend accumulation period of 30 days or within 7 days after you cross the highest offer tier. Ad credits will expire if not used by 03/31/2025. This offer is contingent upon the advertising account being in compliance with all TikTok advertising policies and general TikTok Coupon Terms.

*30 Day Performance Guarantee:

More profitable TikTok ads within 30 days of launching ads or your money back IF you are able to prove that you applied the concepts learned in the TikTok Ads Blueprint and were unable to generate a positive ROAS on your TikTok Ads. And you get to keep ALL the bonuses (because I'm a nice guy).

If You Have any Issues Please Don't Hesitate To Reach Out To: [email protected]

Made In Sunny Florida @ Unicorn Innovations